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Inbound Marketing consists in putting online quality content, with the aim of obtaining qualified leads and measuring the results obtained. It is particularly well suited to companies in BtoB. Many SMEs are wondering what the real benefits of implementing this strategy are. Is it worth it? They have often already put in place a communication, with traditional strategies.

Traditional marketing strategies involve pushing the product or service to the customer. Among the tools used, we can mention:

  • Advertising in newspapers, magazines, televisions, website, radios
  • Participation in trade shows
  • The creation of promotional brochures, catalogs
  • Telephone prospecting

These actions that push the product or service to the customer are not destined to disappear. Traditional practices of doing business have their followers and their benefits.

On the other hand, it is dangerous not to take into account a new paradigm shift: customers and prospects take their information online. When they make a query on a search engine, on a subject on which the company has an expertise, the company has to  appear on the first page of the search engine results pages. Otherwise, it loses an opportunity to strengthen its relationship if it is a client. Even worse if it is a prospect, the company would miss on obtaining a lead (the name and contact information).

Implementing an Inbound Marketing strategy will consist in identifying the passions of customers and prospects, the problems they encounter, and provide content that meets their expectations. The more relevant the content, the more important the ROI will be.

The reasons for setting up an Inbound strategy are as follows:

  • Fastness:

It takes much less time to write a blog post, post a video on Youtube, or write a tweet, than to design, make (or get carried out), and approve a booklet, newspaper advertisement, or television.

  • Value for money:

According to a Hubspot study, companies that have implemented an Inbound Marketing strategy have 67% more qualified leads than those who do not. In addition, the cost is much lower.

  • Actions can be measured:

The famous phrase «half of what I spend on communication is useless, unfortunately I do not know which half» does not apply to the Inbound. It is possible to measure the results obtained in order to quickly make corrections if necessary.

  • Create ambassadors:

In addition to bringing qualified prospects, Inbound helps to build customer loyalty, create a community that will relay information to their contacts, and bring new qualified prospects.

Implementing an Inbound strategy in a company does not replace a traditional marketing approach, but complements it. The distribution of a marketing budget must take into account the new habits of taking information. Depending on the sector of activity, and the intensity of the digital transformation in it, the cursor will be more or less pronounced in favor of the Inbound to the detriment of traditional marketing

Be careful though: it is not because a sector is little concerned by digital today, that it won’t be the case tomorrow. On the contrary, this can be seen as the right time to offer a differentiated communication compared to its competitors.


Renaud Vuillet